Writing Update January 2024

Writing the previous two chapters of book three of Demon Tide has been excruciating. One of the main characters, Matt, is quickly realizing how dire their situation really is. World governments are collapsing, and the enemy is quickly gaining strength. I anticipate some really tough scenes playing out in the next several chapters.

Speaking of that, it’s high time that my characters experience some tragedy in their lives. Hit them right in the face with some calamitous event. I need to rip open emotional wounds, expose their secrets, and force them to experience hardship. Then, I’ll dig at those scars until they can barely stand because of the pain. When they get up, I’ll knock them down with another blow.

Why are you being so ruthless, Troy? How could you be so hard on your characters? Good questions. I’ll do my best to explain myself.

First of all, the world is filled with tragedy. None of our lives are perfectly written plots, like Hallmark characters with their tidy homes and family with plastered smiles offering sage-worthy advice at just the right moment. Our lives are messy–and our people are messy. Broken, hurting, often seeking out the true meaning of life through various avenues of personal pleasure that will never fill the void. In my own life, this has been true. I can’t say that I have experienced anything like what those who have lost a relative or spouse to cancer, or a car accident, or other life-altering event, but I have experienced pain, and emotional distress at various times in my life. Where did I turn to seek answers when I was at my lowest? God, of course. And, I also sought out those who have experienced similar pain.

I think as authors we have a responsibility to connect with our audiences on many different levels. Sure, there should be some good times in our stories. Hallmark moments when the weather is just right, there isn’t a mosquito anywhere in sight, and the coffee in your mug stays hot for hours while you gaze into the sunset. But there should also be moments where heartbreak, longing, disgust, and anguish chase at the heels of our characters and threaten to destroy everything they hold dear. Moments where the pain from our characters reaches out through the words and stirs the soul of the reader. Moments where the suffering is so bad that the reader is forced to take a break in order to deal with the rivers of tears staining the pages. These are the moments that alter perspectives. That define goals. That begin the process of setting grief free.

Also, allowing tragedy in our stories helps readers see growth and redemption within characters. Suffering helps us to grow, and allows a character arc to play out more authentically. There’s nothing more exciting than reading about a character who has overcome trouble, or embraced an unpleasant past, or faced an unsettling circumstance with grace and poise. When authors are able to infuse these elements into their writing, it makes the story that much better. It can mean the difference between a story that a reader forgets tomorrow and one they will remember forever. 

My goal this year is to put my characters through some of this hardship. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want my stories to be filled with victims mired in sadness at every turn, I want to keep some of the light-heartedness I’ve imbued into my past books. The adventure and excitement will still be there. The innocent wonder will still be there. I love those part of writing! But, as I grow, so must also grow my writing. I hope you will continue to support me as you have done so admirably already!

That is all for now, thanks for being a part of my journey! Until next time, I’m signing off.


Check my progress on Demon Tide and see publishing goals for all three books on my website.




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