Writing Update December 2023

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

     I remember a time standing in front of the back slider window next to my uncle on Christmas Eve, looking out into the dark winter night. “That’s Rudolph, you know,” he said, pointing at a small blinking red light over the trees. 
     I peered at the light intently, watching to see if it was coming to my house. In my mind, I could see the outline of the reindeer and Santa’s sleigh gliding through the sky. 
     “You better get to bed before he gets here,” he continued. “You don’t want him to catch you awake when he comes down the chimney.” 
     Without another word, I raced upstairs, diving into my bed from six feet away. I threw my covers over my head and laid as still as possible. Then I waited, eagerly listening for the thumps of hooves on the roof of the house. 
    Soon I drifted off to sleep, unable to fight the coziness that my warm covers offered. I dreamt of Toys R Us, Transformers, and Matchbox cars as the winter wind left frostprints on my window and midnight passed into early morning.
     I still remember this Christmas like it was yesterday. It’s funny how some moments like that stick in your brain. I’m sure you have your own similar experiences. 

     As an adult, I’ve learned (or re-learned) to appreciate Christmas even more than when I was young. Dreams of Transformer action figures have turned into a genuine love for the season as it was meant to be celebrated, and for whom it was meant to be celebrated.
     Every day I thank God for His blessing of His son, sent to earth to live as a human and teach us the ways of His Father.  Even more so, I am thankful that He lived a spotless life, and then took my burden of sin upon His shoulders thirty-three years later. 
     Christmas is meant to be celebrated. Gifts were meant to be given. Christmas dinner was meant to be enjoyed. These are all blessings given to us by God. I do enjoy all of it, more than ever now, since I know now that the greatest blessing of all was given over two thousand years ago. 
     This is my writing update for the month. I pray God blesses you and your family richly this Christmas season, and that you enjoy the gift He has given you. And…if you want to understand that gift more on a personal level, please send me an email. I’d be glad to tell you about it. 

With that, I’m signing off… 




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1 Response
  1. Love this! I love hearing about other’s Christmas memories and traditions from when they were young. When I was little, one of my favorite Christmas specials was John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together. My parents bought us the record, and I loved to squeeze into between out Christmas tree and the big speaker, and listen to the music and enjoy the lights and decorations on the tree. Another thing I liked to do (and still do, to be honest) is lay down on the floor and stick my head under the tree, and then just lay there looking up into the branches, the pine needles and lights filling my vision, and the scent of fir filling my nose. Love that!! I even had a name for it – “Colors Dull and Candles Dim”. (It’s from a John Denver Christmas song)
    I’ve been incorporating Advent times into my days this year and it’s made such a difference in the craziness of the season. It’s still crazy, but I feel like I’m able to handle it better because I set those times aside. I highly recommend!
    Merry Christmas Syb!!